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Learn how to create Flipbooks in just a few steps.

How a Flipping Book HTML5 can Grow your Business

How a Flipping Book HTML5 can Grow your Business


There is nothing more frustrating than finding a flipping book HTML5 to no avail. Yet, this was the situation I was in a few months ago. Luckily, as I was browsing the internet, I came up with reviews of different flipping book HTML5s that had been made by past customers. The reviews of YUMPU Publishing …

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How to make a Flipbook PDF with a Step-by-Step guideline

How to make a Flipbook PDF with a Step-by-Step guideline


An interactive experience is as significant to a reader as the content being read. Numerous publications on the internet mean that publishers can only stand out by ensuring that the overall outlook of their work appeals to their readers in style, content, and the reading experience. It is a no-brainer that knowledge of how to …

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Flipping Book for free with a guide that will help you

Flipping Book for free with a guide that will help you


There a ton of software on the market that promise you to create a flipping book for free. But unfortunately, I had to find out the hard way that most of them come with certain restrictions and make the free version not attractive at all. Ultimately I found an ideal solution that I am more than happy to introduce to you in this post.

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Author Michael Green

For about a decade, I’ve been working on desktop and mobile websites for different companies all around the world. Every project I engage in benefits from years of experience in design, development and marketing strategy as well as a passion for staying on top of current trends.